Thursday, July 26, 2007

Time to review Round 1 winner......

There are varies way to work out the answer......and the simplest one is wait, next is to guess or pay me for the answer....Then the hard way is to crack it....

remember the brain is using 25-30% of daily energy, in the way you were burning extra % of your daily energy with your brain when you had a crack for the answer.

1226202046 if a = 1.... z = 26

then you have + - / 2 4 2

1) split the numbers, 12 26 20 20 46
2) for each number /2, 6 13 10 10 23
3) then +4, 10 17 14 14 27
4) then -2, 8 15 12 12 25
5) finally, sub the number with letters if a =1..... z= 26, ie holly

Yes, the first round winner is Holly! with 3 parameters rank 1


Will she be the overall winner? is there a dark house around the corner?

!Stay tune!

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